Our IP Alarm Signalling system was designed for economy, security and flexible deployment. Conceived when businesses and households were starting to use Broadband, it utilises the networks available whether these are telephone line ADSL, leased line, private networks or mobile data networks. The cost and maintenance of these network connections is justified for their main use, whether it is for social media, IP TV, business communications or whatever… So the IP Alarm Signalling system generally gets a free ride and even with some small costs for mobile data, it is very economical.
The security of an IP Alarm Signalling system is paramount and the risks of communicating over data networks are widely appreciated. However, the Internet is a structured environment which is designed to ensure message integrity. Encryption techniques, authentication tools and message sequencing all play their part in securely transmitting and receiving messages. Of course things go wrong and our system invokes recovery routines to provide high levels of availability.
It is generally in dedicated Monitoring Centres looking after Alarm and CCTV systems that the IP Alarm Signalling system is monitored and by a variety of organisations. They are either protecting their own assets or looking after those of their customers. The alarms that they are monitoring can come from almost anywhere and include fire alarms, intruder alarms and a wide range of equipment that someone, somewhere wants to know about should it go wrong.
Our aim is to reduce the cost of alarm signalling and to do it securely. Our continuing development ensures that new situations and fresh opportunities are addressed while we maintain the core strengths of security, reliability and cost-effectiveness.
Please enjoy reading about our IP Alarm Signalling system and talk to us about how we can work with you to make your alarm monitoring more secure, to cost you less and to provide you with a wider range of facilities.
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